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Dust extraction for the wood workshop and laser room


Alan Scrase


5th May 2022

Date for Decision

Suggest draft plan by 12 May 2022


£500 to £1,200

What is being asked for


There is a lot of dust in the workshop, the main cause is sanding although use of the Maslow is also an issue. It is not entirely clear what the CNC router causes but is probably also needs extraction and table and chop saws.

People don’t always use the extractions systems available either at all or properly

Filters and bags not emptied when full

What we have:

There is a Kity dust/chip extractor 692 which has a cloth filter which in use extracting sanding emits fine dust into the air.

A small chrome vacuum cleaner with paper filter – this seems to collect the fine dust quite well but does need cleaning.

The dewalt dust extractor is not running properly and refused to be repaired.

The down draft table may work but need to connected to Kity which does a good job of collecting the dust then spreading around.

A filter/fan has been constructed around the downdraft table but it is difficult to know how effective this is.

Broom and dust pan and brush – waste bins

Duct gates for a workshop ducting system
What we don’t have:

Ducting and adaptors for all dust creating equipment

Proper and effective filters

Proposals: 1. To gauge the results of any solution we need to measure the dust in the workshop. https://youtu.be/rDZ9yUdM2wA this is a link to someone measuring dust and the solutions he is proposing. I have found one of these https://uk.banggood.com/PM1_0-PM2_5-PM10-Detector-Module-Air-Quality-Dust-Sensor-Tester-Detector-Support-Export-Data-Monitoring-Home-Office-Car-Tools-p-1615550.html?akmClientCountry=GB&cur_warehouse=CN which costs £54 or https://www.mouser.co.uk/ProductDetail/403-SEN54-SDN-T £34 which ships locally but which need interfacing with computer or logger. Alternatively, we run a finger of over a surface to see if there is any dust.

2. An easy start is to replace the filter bag on the Kity with either a https://c-airfiltration.co.uk/product/wood-working-floppy-bag-filters-copy £40 or https://c-airfiltration.co.uk/product/wood-dust-filter-cartridges-1-micron?attribute_type=370mm+di+drum £175

3. A https://www.axminstertools.com/axminster-workshop-aw15afs-air-filter-230v-107694 £210 is designed to take out airborne dust may supplement the kity, or may be useful in the laser room where the dust is smaller and maybe gaseous – not sure what it will do.

4. https://www.axminstertools.com/axminster-workshop-aw118ce-cyclone-dust-extractor-230v-107698 £800 the motor is 1.5hp which twice the power of the Kity. This extractor would probably suit a ducted workshop system although should work as a tool specific extraction.

5. Other solutions – make a separate room for sanding although with cnc router being used more may not actually solve problem

6. Use the laser cutter extractor to filter workshop

7. Notices to remind people to check/clean filters and bags

8. Instructions / inductions for use of machines and how to keep them clean and sharp

Why/how this will be good to have

There is a need for a dust free enviroment in the workshop

Who is for it

Anyone who wants to get involved please say.
I know lots have made comments over the last years and I have tried to include them in the proposal
This is a working document



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