Macro Keypad

From Norwich Hackspace
Revision as of 15:35, 16 March 2021 by Ben Norcutt (talk | contribs)
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What is it?
A macro keypad is physical or touch screen keypad that maps multiple or common used shortcut keys to an individual action, think (un)mute on Zoom which by default is ALT + A

Prior Art

There are multiple ways this can be done and a common approach is to use a Pro Micro as it has the ability to be programmed as a HID device and emulate both keyboard and mouse however I struggled to do this so ended using an ESP32 and presenting it as a bluetooth keyboard.

V1.00 - Status abandoned couldn't get Pro Micro to program
Pro micro - generic clone 3D Printed case - link from thingiverse goes here Cherry MX clone switches - ebay link here

V1.01 - Status working ESP32-WROOM Module 3D Printed case - link from thingiverse goes here Cherry MX clone switches - ebay link here

Currently have 2 switched hooked up to ESP32 sending ALT + a to mute and unmute and ALT + v to start and stop video

Uses the blekeyboard library for Arduino from -----