Arcade machine

From Norwich Hackspace
Revision as of 13:24, 10 December 2020 by Openstandards (talk | contribs)
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A joint project, I was thinking we could create an arcade machine for the space I already own some of the hardware required, I'd want this to be a joint project. I already own some of the hardware. Already owned hardware AMD athlon 5350 (2ghz quad core) 4GB ram AMD ATI Radeon 5450 (they are passive and the bios can be flashed to run at 15Khz.) This card can output from VGA to Scart with a required cable. 120GB SSD

Attract-mode seems to be a good choice for a front-end for mame.

Thinking we should go down the route of CRT, as that is what most games are designed to use. They have zero input lag which is a must considering how hard games use to be.

This is open to discussion but I would like to take the lead.

linutechtips arcade cabinet