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Draft plan – 13 May 2022

After listening and discussing with various people I have come with a draft plan – please comment or volunteer to do things. Stuff we have and not used, we bought over from Mens shed probably on the giveaway pile. There is a electro beckum chop saw that needs a new home

Immediate action:

Ordered cannister filter for Kity £170 - 17/5/22
Ordered trend dust extractor £115 - 18/5/22
Ordered box fan £26 to see how it functions - 18/5/22

Easy decisions to implement now:

1. Make toilet room into sanding room – extraction problem to be solved - Peter is taking this on
2. Rationalise storage room – maybe move 8x4 sheets behind cupboard with pegboard - Alan will start soon -some people have shown interest in Pegboard

3. Dispose of equipment/material that is not required/used/broken

4. Make dust adaptors for individual equipment

5. Maslow – Ben is working on cyclone extraction

Consider and decide:

1. Use storage room for belt sander and CNC router

2. Dust monitor £50 – which one if any?

3. Suspended dust extractor £210- maybe used on laser room if too light weight for workshop OR

4. look at dust system Peter made for downdraft table

5. Using shoe for CNC router or other method of dust control – suspended pipe – box in.

6. Look at more dust extractors

7. Set-up fixed ducting with blast gates and pipework to tools – not sure if kity is powerful enough to extract.